I have just upgraded to WordPress 2.3. So far, so good. My feedburn widget is running correct as far as I can tell. If anyone has any problems please let me know.
Apparently, the google sitemap plugin 2.7.1 is not WP 2.3 compatible.
I have just upgraded to WordPress 2.3. So far, so good. My feedburn widget is running correct as far as I can tell. If anyone has any problems please let me know.
Apparently, the google sitemap plugin 2.7.1 is not WP 2.3 compatible.
I seem to be unable to get the plugin to show up in my plugins.
I save the page (minus the .gz) and upload it, but it never appears in my Plugins Page.
What am I doing wrong? I am using WP 2.3.1
I assume you gunzipped it and just did not remove the extension, correct?
Do you have any other plugins working?
This doesn’t work on WordPress 2.3.2 either.
I gunzipped the downloaded file, put it in my wp-content/plugins folder along with the rest of my plugins, and reloaded the plugin page, but I do not see it listed among my other plugins.
I have a bunch of other plugins, but I don’t see the Feedburn widget plugin even if I deactivate all the rest of the plugins.
I am currently running 2.3.2. Do you have permissions on the file set properly? Make sure it looks like the other plugins.
Weldone good Widget~~~
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